Welcome to my Android Apps site. This site is just a simple portal to my apps on the Google play store. Apps provide stats for Signal strength, Speed, Networks, Storage space, Compass and GPS Accuracy with an intuitive UX. Additionally a queue based Music player for playing device installed music is also included.

If you are living or working in a low signal area this app will be invaluable. You will quickly be able to make out which corners of your home or office have the best signal strength and much much more

Checkout your memory storage and clear some space. Find out which apps and files are taking up storage space. How much of the memory storage space you paid for is actually available to you?

The versatile queue based music player which you always wanted. Play endless music with a music queue just the way you like it. Cloud backup of queue, favorites and playlists is included.

Basic Navigation data like Magnetic heading, Course, Speed, Altitude, Latitude and Longitude. Also monitor GPS satellite status so that you can predict how long its likely to take for the first accurate position fix
Play store link
All my Apps are available only on Google Play Store